Will do thanks! Now you're making me finally sign up for a Twitter account lol
Great Idea! I moved your post to the Toolbox forums. Other users can use this thread to post their scheme links as well.
Btw: go ahead and tweet your color scheme to enter the competition and get an amazon gift card:
A spot where we could share/upload themes with previews would be great!
For now here's my modified dark theme: https://royalapplications.com/colorscheme?Paint=444444&PaintHigh=262626&PaintShadow=444444&Brush=F0F0F0&BrushLight=919191&BrushHigh=F0F0F0&BrushMinor=444444&BrushMajor=686868&AccentPaint=387EC4&AccentPaintLight=387EC4&AccentBrush=FFFFFF&AccentBrushLight=387EC4&KeyPaint=262626&KeyBrush=F0F0F0&KeyBrushLight=F0F0F0&Red=DE3800&Green=539780&Blue=387EC4&Yellow=DDB77A&Black=C0C0C0&White=363636&Gray=5B5B5C
Here's a preview of it:
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