
General announcements related to all our products.

Before you install a new macOS/iOS/Windows/Android Beta
Should I install the latest beta version of my Operating System? Quick Answer No, you definitely shouldn't install a beta OS on your primary d...
Mon, 19 Dec, 2016 at 11:29 PM
Looking for Help with Localization
Many users asked us to provide Royal TS in other languages than English and even offered to translate or participate in the translation. Translating a feat...
Fri, 9 Dec, 2022 at 11:24 AM
Royal TS/X is unaffected by Heartbleed Vulnerability
Royal TS (the Windows as well as the macOS version) is a client application and as such not affected by the Heartbleed vulnerability. But Royal T...
Mon, 3 Oct, 2016 at 4:02 PM