Royal Server V3 upgrade to V4

The software Royal Server will be called “RS” in this article.

Installing/Upgrading to RS V4

RS V3 stores its configuration at the following places:

  • The Windows Registry at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Royal Server"
  • A database file at the location "%programdata%\royalserver"

When upgrading to V4, the original configuration of V3 is not changed. The values of the V3 configuration will be imported to the V4 configuration.

You can install RS V4 side-by-side to RS V3 - it will reside in a new directory (by default at "C:\Program Files\Royal Server V4").
This allows you to check/compare configurations of both versions, if needed.
Note: The RS Windows Service will only exist once and point to RS V4.

The RS V4 software is removing old RS V3 licenses, and vice versa, so it has to be entered again after the installation.

On the first run of RS V4 the following steps will be taken:

  • If the configuration file "C:\ProgramData\RoyalServer\appsettings.json" is not present, the RS V3 configuration will be read from Windows Registry, and the appsettings.json will be populated from the RS V3 configuration. "C:\ProgramData\RoyalServer\appsettings.json"
  • The configuration database of RS V3 will be copied to "%programdata%\RoyalServer\royalserverV4.db". Additionally, a royalserverV4-backup.db file will be created upon first usage of the database as it is then upgraded internally.

Please ensure also that the IP Address which Royal Server binds to is correctly set (i.e. a network adapter's IP address or, if Royal Server shall listen on all available addresses).
If set to, Royal Server will only be reachable from the local machine.

Downgrading back to Royal Server V3

If you wish to go back to RS V3, just uninstall RS V4 and install RS V3 again. Your configuration settings will be still available (unless you cleaned them via the cleanup_installation.ps1 script).

The RS V3 software is removing your RS V4 license, so it needs to be re-entered if you decide to upgrade to RS V4 again.

All configuration changes you have done to the RS V4 will be lost in this scenario.

Uninstalling Royal Server V3 

If both, Royal Server V3 and Royal Server V4, are installed, then uninstalling Royal Server V3 will remove the Royal Server Service and it needs to be added again manually.
This can be done by invoking the batch file InstallService.bat from an elevated command prompt in the Royal Server V4 installation directory (, normally "C:\Program  Files\Royal Server V4\").