With Royal TS V5.1 for Windows, we modified Royal TS to make it more compatible on systems where FIPS compliance is enforced.

UPDATE: according to some users Royal TS works great in FIPS compliant environments but other users reported issues. It's hard for us to troubleshoot and/or make sure that Royal TS with all its plugins and components are working properly in such an environment. Even Microsoft points out many scenarios where FIPS compliancy may be counterproductive. 

See also: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-security-baselines/why-we-8217-re-not-recommending-8220-fips-mode-8221-anymore/ba-p/701037

There are some scenarios that are still causing some issues, especially in FIPS compliant environments:

  • Importing a legacy .rts document may not work
  • When Royal TS including the license file has been deployed to the application directory using the old algorithm, you must re-generate and re-deploy the license file
  • The license file will be updated to the new algorithm when a 5.1 or later release is started for the first time. Going back to an older version (< 5.1) will render the license file invalid and the license information must be re-entered.