The Royal TS document is basically a simple XML file. In case the file is corrupted, you may receive error messages like this:
  • String decryption failed in document Application: Invalid password or corrupt stream.
  • Error opening document [DOCUMENT]. Unexpected end of file has occurred...
  • Exception: The header is corrupt
It's always good to have backups of your files. In case you missed to backup your Royal TS document, Royal TS will keep backups automatically (by default) for you.
Royal TS keeps backup copies of your files in %temp% (by default the 10 last versions). Backup is enabled by default and can be turned off or modified in the View -> Options -> General dialog:
Restore document from backup
If a file gets corrupted, you can restore it from the backup:
  • Navigate to %temp% (best would be you order the list by Date Modified, descending.
  • Look for files with the extension *.rtsbu
  • The file name is the GUID of the document.
  • To open a backup file, simply rename the [GUID].rtsbu file to [somename].rtsz
  • Now you can open the file
Restore application document from backup
If the application documents gets corrupted, you can restore it from the backup:
  • Close Royal TS
  • Navigate to %temp% (best would be you order the list by Date Modified, descending.
  • Look for files with the extension *.configbu
  • The file name starts with code4ward.RoyalTS.UserPreferences_ and contains the GUID of the document file.
  • To restore the backup, simply rename the code4ward.RoyalTS.UserPreferences_[GUID].configbu file to code4ward.RoyalTS.UserPreferences.config and move it to %appdata%\code4ward\
  • Start Royal TS