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RDP / RDS Connections Server 2025 freeze

Hi, i added my first 2025 Windows server. Randomly I get issues with login in. The GINA screen appears, I see the welcome and it freezes. Workaround, restart the server or reconnect with different display settings. If I connect to the same server with windows rds client, it works fine. At some servers I have the feeling it always happens, if I was already logged e.g. via hyperV console. But not sure if there is a schema. Anyone experience similar issues?

It's a new codec, supported on recent versions of Windows that dramatically improves graphics performance. Everything should still work fine without it at the cost of performance/throughput.

Hi Felix,

Yes works for me. Can you explain what "Grphics Pipline" is doing?



Hi! We're aware of the issue and it has been reported to the FreeRDP developers: 

 Unfortunately, we didn't yet hear back from them. Maybe upvoting the bug report could help. In the meantime, the workaround is to disable the graphics pipeline in the performance section of the RDP connection's properties. Please let me if that helps in your case as well. Thx, Felix

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