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ssh private key to amazon AWS


I have a nunber of ssh conections working perfectly but getting ssh to connect to Amazon EC2 is npot wortking for me.

I can connect with the mac terminal using a command like

ssh -i "AWS.pem" [email protected]

It takes me straight to the shell on the Amazon EC2 server without asking for username/password etc. 

But I can't get it to work with Royal TSX.

I get Enter you used name from Amazon


This is the setup. Am trying to use an embedded .pem key file




Help !



Best Answer

Hi Michael,

we actually have a Dynamic Folder script, which may offer the functionality you are looking for.

You can import it via "File > Import > Amazon Web Services (EC2)" as shown here:

Which allows you to configure the following options:

Please let me know if you need any further assistance.

Alternatively, you can create a new support ticket via the following link, and we will assist you there:

Best regards,


1 person has this question


Hi Michael,

we actually have a Dynamic Folder script, which may offer the functionality you are looking for.

You can import it via "File > Import > Amazon Web Services (EC2)" as shown here:

Which allows you to configure the following options:

Please let me know if you need any further assistance.

Alternatively, you can create a new support ticket via the following link, and we will assist you there:

Best regards,


1 person likes this

Thanks so much Christoph thgat works !!

Hi Michael,

you're welcome, glad this worked for you.

Have a nice day!

Best regards,


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