I know there are apps out there which automatically download updates in the background and prompt the user when it's done. To be honest, I don't like this approach - especially if the download package is as big as ours. The user should be in control if and when something is downloaded. I hope you understand.
Thanks for the kind words! I'm always happy to help and it's also always delightful when users tell us how much they like our tool!
Ok. I do see that. I guess my issue is that I am used to other software packages "closing" the screen and immediately applying the patch. :)
Thanks for such a useful tool and especially the quick response to my inquiry!!!
I see. Well, the first option initiates the download immediately (asynchronously) - you should see a monochrome download indicator with progress in the tooltip in the status bar. When the download finished, the download indicator will be colorized. Simply double click the icon to initiate the upgrade process.
The update itself should always be initiated by the user after the download has finished (either by double-clicking the indicator or by closing Royal TS).
When a new update to Royal TS come in, I have 3 choices to get and apply the update. One is download now and apply when I close Royal TS, and I cannot recall the other 2 choices.
I'd like a 4th option. To download and apply the Update now.
I'd provide a screenshot, but there are no updates for me to apply.
Hi Paul,
I'm not sure I understand. What do you mean by "off a 'Download Now' option".
Paul Wright
When a new Update is detected. In the combo box, please off a "Download Now" option so I can immediately update the software.