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Keep Tab Open if Cannot Re/Connect

If I attempt a reconnect to a box mid reboot that connection fails and the tab closes. I would an option that will keep the tab open until manually closed. This is the default behavior of similar software such as mRemoteNG. By doing this I can initiate a reconnect multiple times until the server is available again.

Hi Davin,

this can be enabled within the Royal TS Options > User Interface > Behavior > Tabs and Connections section, as shown here:

I hope this helps!

Also, I will move this topic to the Royal TS / Questions forum.

Best regards,


This will keep the tab open if I initiate a reboot. However if I try reconnecting and fail to connect the tab closes. 

Hi Davin,

I just tested this via my Windows 11 VM.

I was connected to the VM via RDP using the latest version of Royal TS and then shut off the remote VM.

Afterwards, I was greeted with the following message:

I then clicked on "Connect", which did not work, as the VM is turned off, however the Tab stayed open with the same screen, as in the screenshot I posted above.

If this does not work for you, can you please create a new ticket here, so we can try to figure out the problem:

Thanks & best regards,


Can you try this method using an SSH session to a Linux box? I experience the closed tab using Ubuntu and CentOS. I haven't used RoyalTS for RDP yet. Also I am right clicking on open tab to reconnect.


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Hi Davin,

I was able to reproduce the issue and forwarded it to our lead dev, who will look into it.

Once I have more information to share, I will let you know.

In the meantime, I wish you a nice day!

Best regards,


Hi Davin,

can you try the Royal TS V7 beta release:

From what I can tell, the V7 beta behaves correctly. A lot of changed under the hood there and the command structure is quite different. In V6 the reconnect command from that context menu is executed differently which could cause the tab to be closed but not in V7.


I downloaded V7

Connected to a server

Shutdown the server

Received notification the server disconnected

Tried to reconnect

Connection failed

Tab closed

Appears to remain.

Hi Davin,

in order to troubleshoot and assist you in this issue, please create a ticket here:



This thread was created after a support ticket requested I created it here.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, Davin!

I hope we can soon release a new beta version for you to test.


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