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tsx and CTRL-break to exit an ssh command

Hi everybody, I'm evaluating TSX connecting to my ssh appliances. Often I start a tail -f into application logs. 

Is there a way to send CTRL-BREAK via command o task to interrupt the tail?

Thank You,



Best Answer

Hi Fabio,

if I'm not mistaken, the equivalent to CTRL + BREAK on Mac is "Command" + "."

You could try configuring a Key Sequence Task by adding the following command and executing it against a connection:

Please let me know if this works or if you need further assistance.

Best regards,



Hi Fabio,

if I'm not mistaken, the equivalent to CTRL + BREAK on Mac is "Command" + "."

You could try configuring a Key Sequence Task by adding the following command and executing it against a connection:

Please let me know if this works or if you need further assistance.

Best regards,


Hi Christoph,

thanks for your feedback. Following your suggestion I've achieved the goal with CTRL-C and the following key sequence:


Thanks again.



Hi Fabio,

thanks for the follow-up and glad your key sequence worked for you.

If you need anything else, let us know, otherwise have a nice day!

Best regards,


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