Jeff, wondering if you ever found a solution with BeyondTrust PasswordSafe and RoyalTS?
Hi Jeff,
thanks a lot for the clarification.
We do have an article dedicated to replacement tokens, which you can access here:
Please let me know if this helps you with your use case, or if you would need further assistance.
best regards,
Sure thing, Christoph! Thanks for the feedback. No, I'm not looking to implement MFA tokens. Our password vault uses a very "interesting" credential string that includes an unprivileged user account, privileged user account, target system to remote into and associated authentication domains for all of the above. It looks like this: <unprivileged domain>\<unprivileged account>+<privileged domain>\<privileged account>+<target system>. All of the string is static with the exception of the <target system> which I need to be variable depending on the system we connect to. Ideally, I was trying to pull it via a name placed in the Description field, but %Description% obviously didn't work... it was taken as a literal in the connection attempt.
Here's a screen capture of how -- in my mind -- this should work.
Hope this helps and thanks so much for any suggestions you may have!
Hi Jeff,
could you please further elaborate and possible paste a (dummy) credential string, showing what you are trying to achieve?
Is it possible that you mean the {MFACode} functionality, in the credential object of Royal TS?
If so, this has been implemented in the latest Royal TSX beta, as shown here:
You can download the latest Royal TSX beta here:
best regards,
Jeff Stahl
I'm trying to incorporate tokens in a credential string in TSX, but not having any luck. It *looks* like this may be working in TS, but I'm not seeing anything on if this feature has also been incorporated in TSX. Is this on the roadmap? Or is it there and I'm just doing something wrong? I need the ability to add a variable to the credential in order to get this to work with our corporate password vaulting system (BeyondTrust). Thanks so much!