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Load history on localhost

In iTerm2, when you start the application, it loads the past sessions (all) including with it's history (Session).

Can such feature be implemented in Royal TS(X).  I am User of Royal TSX.


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Hi Sen,

not yet, we will look into this once time permits.



Hello Felix,

Any further update on this topic?



Hello Felix,

Thanks for your prompt reply.

Contrary to your assumption, iTerm2 is actually restoring the contents of the remote sessions as well. As you can see in attached snapshot, I logged in to remote server at 14:07:06

then do the "su -" to be root. Execute the command to get some output. then exit from root. and disconnect from the remote server.

Then close the (14:07:40). And then again open (14:07:46). And all the contents from the remote session are also loaded. The number of lines it scroll back for the restoration is configurable in preferences of iTerm2 (Under Profiles-> Terminal).




Hi Sen,

I'm aware of the feature but don't think this works for remote sessions, right? So if, for instance you're using an SSH session inside an iTerm terminal, you don't get the history of the SSH session the next time you start iTerm, right?

If that's the case, the usefulness in Royal TSX would be limited as most users don't create local terminal sessions but SSH sessions instead.



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