OK. I have been using TSX for about 8 months and I replaced Devolutions with Royal TSX and Royal Server. The problem I have is that Dynamic Folders don't seem to have any great documentation or tutorials. I see lots of scripts on github with almost zero documentation. I see dynamic folders being touted as this great change but I don't see the documentation or tutorials on the Royal TS sites. Can someone point me to any videos or better instructions on the internet. I would think that Royal Apps would have a basic video of where to start. Searching the forum only seems to have questions that are way above what I am trying to accomplish.
the documentation for RoyalJSON and dynamic folders is available here: https://www.royalapps.com/go/rjson-documentation
Hope that helps!
Felix Deimel
the documentation for RoyalJSON and dynamic folders is available here: https://www.royalapps.com/go/rjson-documentation
Hope that helps!
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