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Remote Desktop DPI Scaling: RoyalTS vs Windows

I've noticed recently that if I connect to a anything using Remote Desktop in Windows using MSTSC the scaling seems to be correct but when I connect using RoyalTS everything is enlarged. This has caused me some issues when using software in Remote Desktop connections in RoyalTS because everything is so large it's hard to see everything as intended leading to more scroll bars, etc...





I am not so sure what is better way to fix it. There are too many variables here, and i'm not sure i understand the whole case. Maybe automate of pressing "zoom out" is the exit ?

For now i add zoom out at the quick access toolbar and press is everytime.

I moved from 5.0.61707 and there was no such problem, why it exist at the last build ?

When you press "Zoom Out" you see the zoom level in the status bar. The idea is to provide a setting where you set the zoom level so it is automatically applied (like pressing the zoom out button).

Any news ? Did "initial scale factor" was implemented ? Somehow i tryed 5.03.61110.0 and problem stil persists! I can use initial resolution so that the size is more or less similar, but it's anyway stays blurred!

I guess this fixes all the problems. With this chechbox checked there in no scaling problems at all.

i see that i was connected, no zoom level at the status bar.

If it's same 125% sacilng at RDP session can we ignore this setting let it be always 100%? Always once zoomed out ?

And i didn't get answer on second question - I moved from 5.0.61707 and there was no such problem, why it exist at the last build ?

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