As a long time mixed RTS and RTSx user this is a feature I would love to see asap!
Thanks Felix. More things about MacOS for me to learn. :) I think because of this limitation within MacOS, the auto-load document list would be even more appreciated.
Hi Ryan,
this, again, is standard macOS behavior. Try creating a file in, quit TextEdit, delete the file and start TextEdit again. The file won't appear in the "Open Recent" menu anymore.
I understand how this is possible with a script; however, I test and rollout RoyalTS/x to our organization and instructing users to write a script to do something like this isn't a workflow I want to maintain. If it was the same connection files for all users, sure, but everyone uses different ones. I appreciate the idea for the workaround though.
At minimum, could the recently used list be accurate, even for files that failed to open? That way even if my connections did get lost they's still easily be opened by that menu. As is, when they fail to open they don't show up in that list either.
Hi Ryan,
this is something we wanted to add for a long time but since the demand just isn't there we didn't get to implement it.
One easy workaround would be to configure Royal TSX to "Do not open any documents" in "Preferences - General - Start and Quit" and instead launch Royal TSX and the documents you want to open using AppleScript or a simple bash script.
In an attempt to provide parity of features between RoyalTS and RoyalTSX, could the option to open a selection of documents on startup be added to RoyalTSX? Opening documents from the last session will passively fail to load and "forget" documents that aren't currently accessible for any reason. They no longer show up in the navigation panel nor in your recently opened document list. Having the option for a persistent list of documents to open just like RoyalTS would be greatly appreciated.
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