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Inbuilt Proxy for Royal TSX

Would it be possible to have an Inbuilt Proxy setting for Royal TSX to allow HTTP and SOCKS proxy access with user authentication stored in Royal TSX. Royal TS has a proxy feature inbuilt which works well but the OSX version relies on the OS proxy settings which are not as easy to implement. SecureCRT have a similar feature 'firewall' option which allows the proxy setup to be stored per endpoint in the main application.

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Hi Peter,

in that case you might want to make use of the "Additional SSH Options" field of the "Advanced - SSH" settings of your terminal connection.

Since Royal TSX is just using the OpenSSH client that comes with macOS, you can pass additional options like you would from a session to the ssh command to tell it to go through your proxy.

Here's an article which explains how you can set this up:

Hope that helps!



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Hi Felix,

No really I am looking at adding a proxy to SSH sessions. In light of recent PCI DSS changes  a lot of networks are now securing the SSH access to systems behind a HTTP authenticated proxy. In OSX this can be done through adding Corkscrew and the Proxy Connect command to add the user authentication details to the login to the proxy before allowing the SSH login to the end server.  However, its sporadic at best as not all proxies work the same and i have found the command less than reliable.

I am a massive fan of Royal TSX as my terminal app of choice. I don't run windows unless I have too so the only option I have working 100% of the time at the moment is SecureCRT which has this feature under the 'Firewall' feature added to TELNET/SSH sessions. It's very reliable as I am wondering if a similar feature could be added directly into RoyalTSX. Royal TS for windows allows it under the Terminal sessions in the Advanced/Proxy settings and this works great also. So could this be added to Royal TSX?



Hi there,

Royal TSX currently has proxy support in the FreeRDP and File Transfer plugins.

I suppose you're referring to adding proxy support for the web plugin, right?

If that's the case it's unfortunately not possible for us to add this since Apple's embedded WebKit control does not support custom proxy settings.



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