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Auto fill in pop-ups

It would be nice to have RoyalTSX Fill in pop-ups / login fields that are prompted for:

Like this:

Would that be possible to fill in?

This would be very nice for; secured webpages, PHPMyAdmin and other pages that use this methode.

Best Answer

Oh I get it now.

Looks like that site is using basic authentication. Logging in to basic authentication protected sites is supported in the modern WebKit engine. Just configure your username and password in the web connection or reference a credential object and you should be good to go. No need to set up any autofill mappings.

Let me know if that works for you!

Hi Kay,

I'm not sure I understand your feature request as the screenshot you referenced doesn't appear to include any pop-ups. That is if what you mean by "pop-ups" are dropdown fields?



Hi, Its a pop-up like this: (example)

Oh I get it now.

Looks like that site is using basic authentication. Logging in to basic authentication protected sites is supported in the modern WebKit engine. Just configure your username and password in the web connection or reference a credential object and you should be good to go. No need to set up any autofill mappings.

Let me know if that works for you!

Indeed this works ;) 


Maybe a good idea to include this in the docs somewhere.

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